Where does the weekend go??? Can't believe Monday is already here. I have decided that the next person, who runs for President on the sole platform of making Monday the 3rd day of the weekend, will definitely get my vote.
My weekend was busy but productive. Hope yours was absolutely wonderful! The weather in Atlanta was actually pleasant, but let me tell I do miss the warmer months in the south i.e. green grass, trees, flowers, birds, and etc. For me green represents life... in a vibrant way. Speaking of vibrancy one of my favorite indoor house plants are fiddle leaf figs... bet you can't say that FIVE TIMES FAST!!!??? I am looking to incorporating some indoor house plants them into my home décor so that I am able to bask in green glory all year long right through the colder months. An updated version of the ficus plant, the below fig trees are inspiration for living strong and healthy everyday.

The below collection is the best of the best inspiration photos of fiddle leaf gigs in all of their GLORY. I the love the boldness and vibrancy in the color and size of the leaves. Its stature alone commands the attention in a distinctive and memorable way...one or two in a corner or flanking a room...up high or down low who cares however it is a must! Did I just go all Dr. Seuss on you, LOL!
Whatcha think? Lovely??? Hope your week is fantastic in an inspirational kind of way.
Make it a great week. Until next time, be inspired all year long!!
Elle Décor
I just love your post! Fiddle Leaf Figs....who knew?